Entrance essay
Florida General Knowledge Test Essay Topics For December 2018
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Preliminary investigation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Primer examination - Assignment Example The fundamental advances incorporate the documenting of a Complaint-Affidavit, the Issuance of summon by the investigator who is exploring to the respondent, the recording of a counter-testimony by the respondent, the documenting of a Reply-Affidavit and Rejoinder-Affidavit and goals. In an essential examination, various things are incorporated. They include: finding out if the suspect is furnished and still in the territory, continuing to the scene securely and expeditiously, rendering help to the harmed, affecting the capture of the lawbreaker, finding and distinguishing observers, meeting the complainant and witness, keeping up the wrongdoing scene and ensuring proof, cross examining the suspect, organizing the assortment of proof, revealing the occurrence precisely and completely, and yielding the obligation to the subsequent examiner (Urlacher and Duffy, 2010). The most significant part of these is the making sure about of the wrongdoing scene and assurance of proof. This is on the grounds that the location of wrongdoing for the most part gives some significant leads just as proof that can be valuable in settling the case. On the off chance that the scene isn't made sure about, the proof may be messed with, and this endangers the settling of the case. Primer examination benefits the offended party in that it gives space to an examination that may bring proof that bolsters their case. It stays away from a hurried preliminary that can be vanquished on grounds of inadequate proof. Subsequently, by recognizing a reasonable justification, the starter examination assists with setting the plaintiff’s case. It is helpful to the legal economy on the grounds that with the fitting proof, judges can make a snappy assurance so the case doesn't delay for long. Mary Carter Agreements are utilized in the settlement of multi-party prosecutions. As per Sedrak (2012), a Mary Carter Agreement is an agreement or understanding whereby one codefendant settles on a mystery concurrence with the offended party that if
Saturday, August 22, 2020
5 Steps to Choosing the Right Medical Career Path
5 Steps to Choosing the Right Medical Career Path Regardless of whether you’re a biochem marvel, or only a Grey’s Anatomy someone who is addicted, you’ve concluded that the clinical field is for you. You need to spare lives, or clasp hands and mop temples, or have any kind of effect. Or on the other hand possibly you simply need to get more cash-flow, and have seen that the clinical callings will in general be generously compensated. That’s extraordinary. In any case, imagine a scenario in which you don’t know anything else than that. Where to next?Here are 5 stages to making sense of which clinical profession to pick, and in which bearing to propel yourself in your drive forward toward success.1. Pick your adventureWhatever your inspiration, burrow somewhat more profound and ensure you know precisely what it involves. At that point situate yourself as needs be. Is it accurate to say that you are to a greater extent a people (perused: patients) individual? Or on the other hand a guinea pig? Would y ou like to do the quick and dirty everyday associate of the sickly? Or then again would you rather help a specialist? Or then again might you want to be more involved and take a stab at working in PT or word related treatment? Make sense of what abilities and tastes you have, at that point make sense of which field inside the clinical family suits those best. At that point ensure you’re mindful of any preparation or tutoring you’d require for that field, and whether you’re ready to get it.2. SpecializeWould you like to be in emergency clinic or center? A doctor’s office or a pressing consideration? Would you like to associate with kids, the old, anticipating moms? Or on the other hand two or three hundred recepticles and test tubes? Make sense of your optimal workplace, at that point begin searching for positions inside those.3. Pick a perfect roleWithin that workplace, what’s your optimal job? Would you like to be a pioneer? A colleague? An aide ? Okay rather carry out authoritative responsibilities? Or then again persistent consideration? Consider what is generally proper for you, your aptitudes and abilities, your insight, the degree of training you’re liable to accomplish, and obviously, your disposition. (Don’t choose to be an injury specialist if stress makes you black out. What's more, don’t pick a work area work in wellbeing records on the off chance that you get effectively bored.)4. Get the skillsOnce you’ve limited a field, a workplace, and job, ensure you have a decent handle on the abilities and experience required. On the off chance that you don’t have any of them, or you have to seek after confirmations or degrees, begin when you can. You’ll never have a taken shots at the occupations you need except if you work to be sufficiently qualified to land them.5. Study hardNo matter what way you’ve picked, you’re most likely going to require some extra school. D o comparable soul-looking through while picking a program that’s best for you. At that point concentrate hard, watch out for the prize, and recall: presently that you’ve done this arrangement and self-cross examination, you can be sure about your decision. This is the vocation you need. Go get it.
Eulogy †Hamlet Essay
Old companion, the gleam of light you shone upon us is gone, as we lay, shrouded in obscurity now, without your glow. Your companions, your partners, your nation, your passing has us bound to grieving, you left us unreasonably soon. You are currently free. Liberated from your weights my companion. With your mom and father in paradise your sole will rest forever, while hear on earth, storm mists have assembled. Your quality is painfully missed. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, was a man whose life contacted numerous others. Maybe the writer and Earl of Oxford, Edward De Vere, put it best when he said love, unwaveringness and benevolence were the very quintessence of Hamlet. Love, faithfulness and consideration. His loved ones, his dearest nation, his kin †all who knew the man and encountered his emanation had however the most profound regard for him. Hamlet’s devotion and love of his nation was apparent in all that he did. His military ability and familiarity with the blade consistently bewildered me and his excellent style flabbergasted every one of the individuals who had the chance to see him double. His last double against the late Laertes, maybe best depicted Hamlet’s exquisite swordsmanship, a triumph without losing a solitary point. A shameful move from behind was the best way to cut Hamlet down doubtlessly. Hamlet’s awesome capacity to double mirrored his enthusiasm, as he aced the craftsmanship should he one day need to battle for his nation. Maybe the best sign of Hamlet’s love of his nation shone splendid at probably the darkest purpose of his life. At the point when Hamlet educated of his father’s demise he was overwhelmed by sadness, considerably more so when he previously discovered that he was killed by the late King Claudius. In spite of this, Hamlet defeated his feeling and serious want for vengeance , holding up until proof of the homicide could be acquired. Regardless of such appalling conditions, Hamlet deferred plans for vengeance so as to keep away from any further interruptions to the regular request, as such disturbances would hunker down upon his nation. Since we have lost him, Denmark should suffer times of agitation. His affection for his nation was just coordinated by his adoration for his loved ones. When Hamlet’s father died his affection was such, that he went through weeks in miserable grieving. His affection was such, that he could pardon his mom, the late Queen Gertrude, notwithstanding the unimaginable strain between themâ and his conviction that she had deceived his dad. His adoration was such, that his most noteworthy lament was not uncovering it to his sweetheart, the late Ophelia, whom he venerated with his entire being. I had the pleasure of encountering his adoration as his companion for a long time. During our time at school in Wittenburg, Hamlet’s friendship made it one of the most charming times of my life. It was during times of extraordinary disturbance and anguish, nonetheless, when I had the option to be there for Hamlet, that he genuinely demonstrated his affection for me as a sibling. This graciousness that Hamlet continually showered on me was my one of a kind benefit, however that surprisingly who met him. He had a clear enthusiasm for individuals and accepted that all individuals were acceptable individuals. This was the reason he had such trouble in accepting that his uncle Claudius could have killed his dad. His profound fascination in Ophelia, who was an image of excellence and guiltlessness, demonstrated his affection for that which was acceptable on the planet. His availability and need, to blend in with all individuals, regardless of whether they were nobles, players or plebeians, he delighted in the organization of all. Love, devotion and benevolence. Hamlet, you will everlastingly stay in our souls. We will always remember you. You are free now ruler. You are free.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Biological Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Natural Theory - Research Paper Example Natural hypothesis is an explanation that is committed to covering advancement and all parts of mankind. These fields incorporates, understanding human brain science, natural advancement, theory of science and improvement of science. This hypothesis investigates all the parts of these fields and encourages in seeing how to reason issues in the fields. The hypothesis was first distributed in 2005. Organic Theoryâ is committed to speculative advancements in the fields of improvement and getting brain research. It does as such with unmistakable quality on the hypothetical mix managed by transformative and developing strategies. The diary petitions to wide audience members of specialists, shared boffins, and teachers from the particular fields (Springer, 2014). Also, this information applies to scholars and understudies of science. The field of organic hypothesis explains how things happened to be functioning at the time related with making. The thought is part into zones, which will in general be Behavioral Hypotheses, Psychodynamic Hypotheses, Humanist Hypotheses, and Characteristic Theories (Cherry, 2014). A conduct see inside brain research offers held which exploratory assessment of information must beginning with an investigation of human lead. Social idea has profited by the work related with early scientists, for instance Pavlov, Thorndike, and a while later the capacity of W. F. Skinner. Work related with the improvement of conduct hypotheses inside the instructive outlook has allowed scholars so as to investigate ways human activity may be controlled by means of control related with boosts just as examples related with fortification. Educational preparing is subject to an idea of understanding that clarifies the processing of, extra room, and access of information inside the psyche. Factors for instance, tactile sign-up, consideration, working memory, and long haul memory have a generous impact with this hypothesis
Is Globalization Beneficial for Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Is Globalization Beneficial for Canada - Essay Example China like socialist nations prior envisioned globalization as a technique by entrepreneur nations to abuse the riches and assets of different nations. In any case, the situation has bit by bit changed and now the greater part of the nations on the planet acknowledge globalization as a gift instead of a revile. China is the main exploiter of globalization at present. It is hard for a nation to advance appropriately with the assistance of individual capacities alone. Globalization encourages nations to activate its assets all the more adequately with the assistance of different nations. Aggregate development is the significant motto advanced by globalization. Globalization influences nearly the whole sections of human life. It influences monetary, social, social, political and lawful parts of human life. Canada is one nation which despite everything keeps a few qualms about globalization. A significant number of the Canadians despite everything accept that globalization may support ju st rich nations though poor nations may not receive numerous advantages in return. As they would like to think, globalization may wreck social, social, natural and political qualities. In any case, globalization can build the participation among nations and as well as it can decrease the contentions between nations. It unquestionably sounds great that Canadian organizations can work in any piece of the world and sell their items anyplace on the planet absent a lot of hindrances on account of globalization. Additionally, Canadians may improve items at less expensive costs as a result of globalization. This paper examinations the advantages and disadvantages of globalization and contends that globalization is certainly helpful to Canada over the long haul. Globalization brought numerous positive political changes on the planet. â€Å"Globalization opens up additional opportunities for law based effect on fundamental normal issues which by their temperament are about the idea of the n ation’s state†(Torres, p.364). As per Lieber and Weisberg (2002), â€Å"Globalization is a fundamental advance toward both a progressively steady world and better lives for the individuals inside it(Lieber and Weisberg, p.274). It ought to be noticed that the authoritarian organizations in nations like Libya, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain are very nearly annihilation due to tumults from people in general. Globalization helped individuals in such nations to understand the degree of abuse they are confronting and they began battle for majority rule government in their nations. â€Å"Globalization is a multifaceted procedure and can be described as a methodical decrease in the hindrances to the cross-national progression of items, factors (capital and individuals), qualities and ideas†(Kaplinsky, p.46). In nations like America, Britain or Canada, labor lack is a major issue while in nations like India, China and so forth talented labor is abundance. Trade of workforce and redistributing like exercises help costly work arranged nations to misuse modest work markets. A work which is costing $ 100 in Canada can be executed in nations like India for $ 50 with the assistance of re-appropriating. Additionally, outsider networks in Canada constantly prepared to work for modest wages which help the businesses or associations in Canada to contend adequately in worldwide market. Canadian items can't diminish the cost or contend adequately in the global market if Canadian associations utilize just generously compensated local people in their organizations. â€Å"Rises in universal exchange transparency have applied some weight on strategy producers to bring down business cost through duty decreases. Duty rate changes improve the universal value intensity of firms paying little mind to their degree of mobility†(Weiss, p.75). Expense decrease is another significant preferred position of globalization.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Does Technology Enhance Children Learning Essay - 825 Words
Does Technology Enhance Children Learning (Essay Sample) Content: CHILDREN AND TECHONOLOGYINTRODUCTIONTechnology is the use of science application to solve a problem .In academic field technology has been used to help the children learn better by easy accession of the information when they need it and made lessons more for enjoyable .The most common technology used by children include video games, tablets iPods, computers ,social networks etc.The use of technology in children has different effects depending on child which is determined by time spend on computer, the age of a child. Older children who use technology in learning tend to out smarter the young ones , Cviko Mckenney and Voogt( 2012) .Children who had access and exposure t o computers at homes shows tend to learn fast compared to their counterpart who never before used a computer Zacharia, Loizou and Papavripidou(2012).The use of technology encourages homeschooling; alternative education is on the increase. The opportunities of learning online are many. Th e Global Student Network is an example where it is a good resource centre. It boosts of offering six of the best leading curricula in one location.Technology allows for connections, children can connect with fellow students of particular interest, and anything in the world. With programs like Skype it allows face to face visits with anyone regardless of borders. The use of technology enhances reading, the use of devices like e-readers and tablets have enabled books to be accessible anywhere. Children have the ability to have virtual library on the go because of the use of eBooks.With technology there is availability of options like practice maths, reading and writing skills. There are website dedicated for these services like; abcya.com, coolmathgames.com. This encourages their problem-solving skills, where they gather around 2 to 3 kids in one laptop either to practice reading, maths or writing.Limitless number of educational opportunities, there is wealth information due to techno logy. A child can search for anything online he/she is curious about. Again children can see wild animals with webcams in their natural habitats. This helps in more understanding of wild animals.Learning is made to be engaging and portable; computers and other educational devices have many educational apps. Like apple.com and abcmouse.com, these apps aid children in their learning. The use of technology by children it encourages more engagement and becomes more active. The children have variety of option where to use information. The teacher is only present as guider but not the centre of attention. Reen Young (2013)Children are able to work better with their teachers .Incase a teacher does not know something he/she can admit and encourage the children to work together so that they can find solution to the problem online. Unlike past where teachers could not inform their students to search online and never admitted when they did not know something, Al Rodger (2011)The children are able to build skills which can help them in life for example to problem solving, communication and critical thinking skills. By use technology the children are able interact with their fellow students viral where they can exchange ideas. Children social development grow faster by Playing video games especially those which encourage many players ,the children engage each other while playing games, Lim(2012).The children in classroom are able to get more individualized attention from their teacher. The teacher is able to track the progress of his pupils in real time as the lessons progress. With computers and other devices have apps and other program with ability of tracking. A teacher is able to discover the pupils who are lagging behind hence help them to catch up with rest in class Tracy Gray (2013).Limitations Limitations of internet, computers and other devices have to be connected through the internet. Internet comes with a price and good infrastructure. Areas with poor inf rastructure and poor parents and schools, their kids cannot have intern...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Cadences of Sacrifice - Literature Essay Samples
Music has historically been a means of expression and a way of portraying the conditions of the time in which it was written, and the feelings and circumstances of the person by which it was created. This way of expression through music can be seem in the poem Burying blues for Janis, by Marge Piercy; in this poem, Janis Joplin is portrayed as pouring her soul out, through her music, and the poem casts her in a different light than society typically saw her. The words of the poem portray Janis as a strong voice which recounts the hardship that women must endure in men-women relationships. Similarly to Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell is another timeless and unique voice that describes the relationships between men and women, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s (Hedley 17). Through their lyrics, Janis Joplin and Joni Mitchell describe the condition of women in the 1960s and 1970s, and more specifically of themselves, as needing to sacrifice themselves and their own happiness in their r omantic relationships. Many songs by these musicians, including but not limited to, Piece of My Heart, and The Last Time, by Janis Joplin and I Had a King, and The Gallery by Joni Mitchell describe or allude to the sacrificial nature of romantic relationships. In Burying blues for Janis, Piercy insightfully describes how Janis performances of her music reveal her self-sacrifice. In the poem Burying blues for Janis Marge Piercy displays her ability to reach out to readers in a way that is identifiable but also revelatory (Payant 63). Her description of the way that Janis sings calls upon many of the things that audiences of Janis had likely believed about her yet were unable to express in words. In the first stanza of the poem, Piercy connects the voice of Janis to what she feels in her own life, in terms of being a woman when she says Your voice always whacked me right on the funny bone of the great-hearted suffering bitch fantasy that ruled me like a huge copper moon with its phases until I could partially, break free. Piercy is describing how Janis music and lyrics touched on a very particular idea or circumstance in her mind, which is that all women must suffer, especially at the hands of men and relationships. Piercy vividly describes the soulful raspy sound of Janis voice when she writes Your voice would grate right on the marrow-filled bone that cooks up that rich stew of masochism where we swim. The poem blatantly states what was earlier implied when it says Woman is born to suffer, mistreated and cheated. This statement is a radical one, but is a very prevalent theme in Janis music (Willet 8). Although Janis Joplins lyrics perhaps did not directly state these pessimistic circumstances, her voice, lyrics and the cadences of the music all expressed the depths of her soul in a way that let the listener know everything contained within (Willet 12) (Piercy 39). The circumstance of women described in the first stanza is beautifully summed up by the lines Never do we feel so alive, so in character as when were walking the floor with the all-night blues. The tone of these lines is subtly sarcastic, because of the words so in character. These words help to bring about the inevitability of women having to suffer. Piercy again demonstrates her keen ability to relate to the bleeding suffering hearts of women everywhere when she describes the effect of the absence of a man can have on a woman by writing, When some man not being there whos better gone becomes a lack that swells up to a gaseous balloon and flattens from us all thinking and sensing and purpose. This line is very identifiable, as most women can relate to pain and heartache brought on by the absence of a man that they care about, even if he is not good for them anyway. The lack of this man is difficult to deal with, and the essence of the lack acts as a constant pain that the woman is r eminded of, even when it flattens, and the pain should be gone, but is only in a different, less immediate form. This stanza deeply and strongly depicts the hardship women often face, due to men. Piercy not only accurately and uniquely describes Janis music and the way it relates to relationships and the suffering of women, but she also describes the struggle of women in a way that is undeniably true, even for somebody who has never listened to Janis Joplin music (Payant 79) (Piercy 39). In the second stanza of Burying blues for Janis, Piercy continues on with the theme of women being brought down by men, but she describes more about the necessary sacrifice which women are subjected to. This stanza ties together all of the related but not necessarily cohesive parts of the first stanza, and it also unquestionably reveals the main theme and Piercys main conclusion about Janis and her music. The very first line refers to Janis music as the downtrodden, juicy longdrawn female blues, which is powerful and also surprising, because it ties together the entire first stanza to form a bold conclusion about what Janis music does. For Piercy to describe her music as downtrodden is audacious and unprecedented as most audiences and listeners undoubtedly saw Janis as strong and confident; however, through the lyrics and sounds of her music, there is a certain theme of downtrodden blues (Willet 22). Piercy also writes that Janis life was fuel for her powerful music, which adds to th e depth of feeling in her music, as it is confessional and personal (Willet 15). The theme of Janis sacrifice becomes especially evident when Piercy writes, You embodied that good done-in mama who gives and gives like a fountain of boozy chicken soup to a rat race of men. This line is crucial to the overall theme of the poem, as it portrays the way that Janis sacrificed herself. She [gave] and [gave] to men, like a done-in mother; the words done-in portray her as used by men and as tired and as having little left of herself to give. The line like a fountain of boozy chicken soup represents the way in which she sacrifices herself; it is not in a wholesome way which allows her to reap happiness from it as well (Willet 25). The word boozy indicates that she is giving part of herself away in a way that is fickle and unhealthy, a way that will ultimately lead to no happiness or personal fulfillment (Piercy 39). Another section which describes this sacrifice and is very crucial in understanding this poem is, You embodied the beautiful blowzy gum of passivity, woman on her back to the world endlessly hopelessly raggedly offering a brave front to be fucked. Much of Janis Joplins and Joni Mitchells music deal with this circumstance; this describes Janis as willing to do anything to be loved, even to the extent of offering up herself to men who will not treat her with care. These lines are where the distinction is made between Janis raggedness as being a form of rebellion and her raggedness being a form of courage and a result of sacrificing herself. The final lines of the poem are the most raw and descriptive in their portrayal of Janis music and the inherent sacrifice when they say That willingness to hang on the meathook and call it love, that need for loving like a screaming hollow in the soul, thats the drug that hangs us and drags us down deadly as the icy sleet of skag that froze your blo od. Janis music touches a lot on the willingness to hang on the meathook and call it love in many different ways, but all sharing the common theme. It is evident that the theme through much of Janis Joplins music is about how relationships bring women down through the way that the need for loving like a screaming hollow in the soul drags people down. Piercy then makes a comparison between the need for love being the drug that hangs us and drags us down and the icy sleet of skag that froze [Janis] blood, which shows that she is attributing Janis death partly to her own self sacrifice and her need for love and willingness to hang on the meathook. Here Piercy implies that Janis sacrifice, which was well-intentioned and merely to serve her need for love, is what ultimately led to her death. The poem also implies that all women are subjected to such necessary sacrifice in order to be loved by men and that Janis Joplin is merely representative of this sad truth (Piercy 39). Much of the music of Janis Joplin and Joni Mitchell deals with the ways in which women are dragged down by relationships and how they sacrifice themselves. Janis Joplin has a unique and powerful way of making an audience of listeners feel her pain through her music and feel everything that she is saying as if they were experiencing it themselves. Therefore, it is easy to hear her music and feel personally connected and to identify with the words that she sings (Friedman 72). When Janis sings about relationships, the intensity of emotion is very evident, and the feelings of being done-in and of giving more and more of herself away, are very evident as well (Willet 25). The song Piece of My Heart is about how her relationship with a man brings her down and about how she sacrifices her own happiness in the relationship. Especially evident from the poem Burying the blues for Janis in the song Piece of My Heart is the fact that Woman is born to suffer, mistreated and cheated, and also the circumstance of woman on her back to the world endlessly hopelessly raggedly offering a brave front to be fucked. The song starts off with Janis asking the question Didnt I give you nearly everything that a woman possibly can? (Janis Joplin). This shows that she feels that while she gave everything possible, that he is still dissatisfied with her. The chorus of this song is very confessional, and gets at the main point of the song, when Janis sings Take another little piece of my heart now, baby/ Break another little piece of my heart now darling (Janis Joplin). From the way Janis sings these words, the listener can tell the depth of her feelings regarding the words she sings, and the lyrics show that she feels like a man is taking part of herself, and it is breaking her heart. This song is particularly about Janis feelings of emotional and mental suffering and of being mistreated, which is particularly made clear when she sings And each time I tell myself that I, well I cant stand the pain, But when you hold me in your arms, Ill sing it once again (Janis Joplin). These lyrics show Janis frustrations with her inability to let the rela tionship go, even though she knows it is not good for her, which leads back to the rich stew of masochism where we swim that Piercy wrote about (Willet 70). Janis lyrics often refer indirectly to her masochism or her self-destruction, which were often in the form of drugs and emotionally abusive or sacrificial relationships, which were problems that were perpetuated by men (Friedman 38). The lyrics of The Last Time by Janis Joplin also show a form of sacrifice and of hardship faced by Janis in a similar way, which is that of a man who is fickle and does not keep his word to her, yet she gives and gives like a fountain of boozy chicken soup. The song begins with Janis raspy, soulful voice pleading Make it the last time, make it the last time and the listener can already relate to her pleading, desperate voice. The lyrics of this song describe how Janis sacrifices her own happiness in order to love this man, whose love is inconsistent and only leaves her unhappy and unfulfilled in the end. The lyrics: And every time you leave I make the very same vow That when you come back I aint gonna love you no how. But when you return you look so fine to me I cant stand no more, my darling, its just got to be (Janis Joplin) and the way in which she sings them tell the reader of the way in which this relationship leaves her feeling down and feeling taken advantage of (Janis Joplin). It is apparent through the lyrics that Janis wants to stop herself from loving this man, and that he takes advantage of her weakness and of her love for him, in a way that causes her to sacrifice her own feelings. This song ends with Janis displaying her sensitivity and vulnerability when she sings Hold on to my heart, Ill believe it till youre leaving, Then Ill cry, yeah (Janis Joplin). When juxtaposed with the image most people have of the kind of musician Janis Joplin was, which is one who represents strength, hardness, and rebellion, these lyrics cause people to see her in a totally different light, especially due to the emotion and pain in her voice as she sings them (Willet 72). As Burying blues for Janis describes, Janis Joplin sings about her own personal suffering about sacrificing at the hands of relationships and m en, and she is a voice of the suffering of women in relationships, in general. Joni Mitchell is another female musician around Janis Joplins time who sings about personal sacrifice in relationships and the suffering women must endure. While Joni Mitchells style is different, many of her overall themes are very similar to those of Janis Joplin. Jonis song I Had A King describes in a very insightful and metaphorical way, how her marriage to a man she did not love caused her to sacrifice much of herself for a time (Joni Mitchell). The lyrics of this song that are most directly related to the sacrifice in the relationship are: I had a king in a salt-rusted carriage Who carried me off to his country for marriage too soon Beware of the power of moons Theres no one to blame No theres no one to name as a traitor here (jonimitchell.com) This song, with Jonis soft yet powerful and haunting voice and vividly metaphorical lyrics, describes her sacrifice involved in marrying a man too young, and how she feels that she sacrificed her happiness and a part of her youth. However, the lines Beware of the power of moons, Theres no one to blame, No theres no one to name as the traitor here, demonstrate that while she feels she sacrificed herself, she does not blame the man. She attributes the suffering and the mistake that she made to the power of moons and believes that there was no deliberate betrayal (Joni Mitchell). Yet her feeling of having sacrificed herself is very apparent in the sound and lyrics of the song. It is also apparent through the lyrics I had a king dressed in drip-dry and paisley Lately hes taken to saying Im crazy and blind He lives in another time Ladies in gingham still blush While he sings them of wars and wine But I in my leather and lace I can never become that kind. This verse shows that Joni feels that this man is from another time and that he does not understand her. This is evident through the fact that he calls her crazy and blind. Throughout this song, Joni does not blame the man for her circumstance, yet she still feels somehow violated and taken advantage of, likely by the pressures of society to be married, which pushes her into marrying the wrong man (Joni Mitchell). However, the end of this verse, while very sad and full of raw emotion, can also be seen as hopeful since Joni acknowledges that she has married the wrong man and concludes But I in my leather and lace, I can never become that kind. While the listener can identify with her sadness regarding having sold herself out for a time, it is clear that she will change her circumstances, particularly in the upcoming chorus: I cant go back there anymore,You know my keys wont fit the door,You know my thoughts dont fit the man, They never can they never can. The song ends with repetition of the phrase They never can, which she ends by singing very low and full of power. This represents a contrast between the music of Joni and of Janis. While Joni ends the song on a hopeful note, saying that she will not go back to her sacrificial circumstances, Janis ends many of her songs pleading with men, or singing the blues. Another song by Joni Mitchell which tells of a woman sacrificing herself in a romantic relationship, which Joni uses to represent her own personal circumstance, is The Gallery. This song is about being with a man who does not return to her all of the love which she gives him, and is possibly unfaithful. The fact that this man does not treat Joni as well as she treats him is portrayed by the lines I keep your house in fit repair, I dust the portraits daily, Your mail comes here from everywhere,The writing looks like ladies.' These lines show that while Joni tries to make keep this man happy in every way that she can, she suspects that he is being disloyal with her. However, this man pleads Lady, please love me now, I am dead. I am a saint, turn down your bed, and she is caught in the endless cycle of sacrifice and suffering. The song goes onto to say how Joni sacrificed many of her good years for his sake through the lyrics I gave you all my pretty years, Then we began to weather. And I was left to winter here, While you went west for pleasure. These lines embody the essence of this entire song, which is that of a woman who sacrifices herself for a man who she cares about, while he does not care for her nearly as much, and he does everything selfishly in order to please himself. The fact that this man left her after she gave him her pretty years and went to find pleasure through other women with no regard for her shows the incredible degree of sacrifice which was present in the relationship. This song connects back to that willingness to hang on the meathook and call it love that Piercy wrote about. It demonstrates how women in romantic relationships, much like Joni in this song, will often give up everything because of their need for loving, like a screaming hollow in the soul. Janis Joplin and Joni Mitchell are different in their approaches and in their musical style, but they both write about the suffering they have endured and the sacrifices they have made in relationships with men. Janis style is more rough and more ragged and more closely embodies the great-hearted suffering bitch fantasy that Piercy refers to in Burying Blues for Janis, while Joni is more metaphorical and subtle, in terms of both her lyrics and her voice. While it is Janis voice that tends more to grate on the bone, and she is more likely to perform in a way that more immediately comes across as the downtrodden juicy longdrawn female blues, both womens music shows that women are trained to that hothouse of exploitation and both women embody a woman on her back to the world endlessly hopelessly raggedly offering a brave front to be fucked, and the need for loving hangs and drags them both down (Piercy 39). Their voices and lyrical choice and even musical genre are all vastly different, but the ways in which the two women portray their relationships with men share many similarities. Both musicians depict their relationships with a great deal of suffering and sacrifice. In conclusion, while Joni Mitchell and Janis Joplin have very different music, there is a common theme that ties their music together. It is the theme that Marge piercy writes about in Burying Blues for Janis, which is self-sacrifice. As suggested by the words of the poem, Janis Joplin- and Joni Mitchell as well- are confessional musicians who express themselves and the greatest depth of their feelings through their music. Both of these women are strong and distinct voices who serve as accounts of sacrificial relationships which men subject women to. Through the writing of Marge Piercy, it is clear that Janis Joplin and Joni Mitchell are testaments to the suffering and sacrifice they had had to face in their own personal relationships, and also to the condition of women in the late 60s and early 70s. Works Cited Friedman, Myra. Buried Alive: the Biography of Janis Joplin. New York: Harmony, 1992. Print. Hedley, Jane. I Made You to Find Me: the Coming of Age of the Woman Poet and the Politics of Poetic Address. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2009. Print. Janis Joplin Lyrics, Photos, Pictures, Paroles, Letras, Text for Every Songs. LYRICS Always On The Run Artists and Songs Daily Update since 1995 ! Web. 22 Dec. 2010. . Janis Joplin Lyrics, Photos, Pictures, Paroles, Letras, Text for Every Songs. LYRICS Always On The Run Artists and Songs Daily Update since 1995 ! Web. 22 Dec. 2010. . Joni Mitchell: Woman of Heart and Mind. Dvd. The Official Website of Joni Mitchell. Web. 22 Dec. 2010. . Payant, Katherine B. Becoming and Bonding: Contemporary Feminism and Popular Fiction by American Women Writers. Westport, Conn. U.a.: Greenwood, 1993. Print. Willett, Edward. Janis Joplin: Take Another Little Piece of My Heart. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2008. Print.
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